Lincoln Chafee to Appear on Jon Stewart’s “Daily Show” Tonight


OK — I am off to former Oklahoma Congressman and Electronics Industry Alliance President Dave McCurdy‘s home for his annual, awesome holiday party.
But TIVO is set for The Daily Show with Jon Stewart who will have Senator Lincoln Chafee on tonight. No doubt John Bolton will come up — but Chafee was also articulating sensible positions on the Middle East before it became the fad it recently has.
My former New America Foundation pal, Laurie Rubiner, who is now Hillary Clinton’s Legislative Director used to do health policy for Lincoln’s dad, Senator John Chafee. And she does an incredible impersonation of the late, tough as nails, with a Northeastern twang, Rhode Island Senator.
Jon Stewart should have had Laurie on the show to meet up in ‘John Chafee persona’ with son Lincoln. Would have been “neat”.
Watch Chafee wrestle with Stewart. In my book, he is very cool and ought to be our deal-maker envoy to the Middle East.
— Steve Clemons


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