

Greetings Washington Note readers, and well met. It’s an honor that Steve thought of me to help steward the site in his absence, and I’m looking forward as much as anyone to reading the motley crew of guest contributors he’s lined up for the next couple of days.
This week, we’ll get to hear from both some vets of the blogosphere and some new blood. Paul Glastris, editor in chief of the Washington Monthly and frequent contributor to its blog, will be chiming in, as will Mark Schmitt, a Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation who blogs both at the Decembrist and at TPM Café. We’ll also hear from Charles Brown, President and CEO of Citizens for Global Solutions, and Scott Paul, a chief organizer of the Stop Bolton campaign at CGS. Both have been huge players in Bolton effort, and both are new to the blogosphere. Be sure to extend a warm welcome.
I can be reached at:


I’ll be following comments of course, but I appreciate feedback and commentary in any form.