Germany’s Afghanistan Dilemma



I’m back from Germany, where I was participating in the Friedrich Naumann Foundation’s Transatlantic Dialogues Program. It was an eye-opening, whirlwind experience.

The View from My Window: The Neighborhood Osprey



(click picture above to enlarge) This is a nest currently occupied by three osprey in Chestertown, Maryland — just in front of a house I frequently try to escape to. Recently, I saw a couple of osprey fighting in mid-air with a bald eagle.

300,000 Afghanistan & Iraq Vets Suffer from PTSD



Approximately 300,000 returning Iraq and Afghanistan war vets — a number equivalent to nearly 25% of America’s active duty military — suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. While Veterans Administration Secretary Eric Shinseki has just announced streamlined procedures to help these veterans secure support services, this long term social “cost” is staggering.

A Quick View From Berlin



I’ve been in Germany for the better part of the last week, on a trip for young policy professionals sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.

James Fallows on CENTCOM Commander James Mattis



Some are saying that The Atlantic‘s Jeffrey Goldberg’s digital pen brought down CNN veteran Middle East editor Octavia Nasr. It’s clear that Rolling Stone‘s Michael Hastings brought down Afghanistan commander General Stanley McChrystal — perhaps with a strong assist from this piece.