Jonathan Chait Calls Out Abe Foxman on Award to Rupert Murdoch



The New Republic‘s Jonathan Chait calls out Abraham Foxman and the ADL in a smart, important piece. Read the whole thing, but this is zinger: If you’re interested in the general principle of tolerance and equality, then awarding [the ADL International Leadership Award to] Rupert Murdoch is preposterous.

Hillary Clinton’s Coded Message to Repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell



Although I feel that the US government is bullying those gay and lesbian men and women who are serving in the armed services and deployed to take risks for the national security interests of the United States under the restrictions of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, this is a compelling and powerful message from Secretary of…

Juan Williams’ Dismissal



Every once in a while, I find myself on Fox News and have to admit that I’m glad I’m there. Fox is sort of like Arlington or Alexandria for me — over the river — when I spend most of my time in DC Central.

LIVE STREAM at 5:00 pm: Beyond Platitudes


Please join the New America Foundation, in cooperation with the Palestine Note and Tomorrow’s Youth Organization for a reception and panel discussion TODAY from 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm, Beyond Platitudes: Women’s Economic Empowerment in the Middle East. You can RSVP for the event here, and it will also be livestreamed at TWN.

Close Call in Iraq



It was with surprise and then relief yesterday that I saw the news that the UN’s top representative in Iraq, Ad Melkert, and the chief of Najaf’s police had emerged unscathed from a car bomb targeting their convoy as it left the Shi’ite holy city in Southern Iraq: While roadside bombings occur daily in Iraq…

Why Does Turkey Have The Leverage?



(Photo Credit: White House Photostream) The Gaza flotilla crisis and Ankara’s refusal to accede to American leadership on the Iranian nuclear issue have led Washington policymakers to ask what exactly is going on in Turkey these days and why it seems that our NATO ally is pursuing policies that run counter to American preferences.

The Will and the Wallet Launch



The foreign affairs and defense budget issues blog Budget Insight has been relaunched now as The Will and the Wallet via the Stimson Center — and for those of you in Washington this morning, I will be appearing on a panel discussing defense and national security budget issues with Gordon Adams, professor of international relations…

LIVE STREAM at 12:15 pm: Hooman Majd



Join the New America Foundation/American Strategy Program and TWN publisher Steve Clemons from 12:15 pm to 1:45 pm TODAY for a discussion of Hooman Majd’s new book, The Ayatollahs’ Democracy: An Iranian Challenge.

Technology Gets Less Open in Egypt



While not exactly a haven of free speech before, it looks like Egyptian authorities are cracking down on communications technology in the lead-up to parliamentary elections: Egypt’s National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA) has imposed new restrictions aimed at tightening control over the SMS messaging services provided by mobile phone companies and media institutions in an…