The Frum Way to Cook Up a SOTU



Danielle Crittenden, to whom David Frum is luckily married, is putting together a new cookbook with Washington Post editorial writer Anne Applebaum of traditional Polish cuisine.

Homage to Brent Scowcroft


This picture of Philadelphia business man Richard Vague and former National Security Advisor General Brent Scowcroft was taken today on the Acela AMTRAK train up to New York.

Hillary Clinton says Wrong Venue?



The absence of results-producing American leadership in the Israel-Palestine mess has led both the Israelis and Palestinians, as well as stakeholders around the Middle East and world, to doubt the seriousness of the US effort.

JFK Inauguration 50 Years Ago Close and Clear



(thanks to for permission to reprint this picture; click image for larger version) I am really enjoying‘s more frequent releases of never before published nor seen photos of great events and people, and I’m grateful for the permissions from LIFE to share these photos with readers of The Washington Note.