Greetings From Some John Bolton Fans



Max Blumenthal took this picture in the Gila National Forest, near Silver City, New Mexico. Thanks to Max for letting me post this. Silver City is a cool town. Jeff Bingaman was born and raised there. And the Republican Senator and former astronaut Harrison Schmitt whom Bingman beat is also a Silver City native.

Saturday Morning Stuff and a Wedding Afternoon: Josh & Millet Get Married



Joshua Micah Marshall and Millet Israeli are getting married today in the Hamptons — and that is where I’m headed this afternoon. This blog wouldn’t exist without Josh’s stong nudging, and he is one of the few people I completely trust. Congratulations to Josh, Millet, and their puppy Simon for punctuating their togetherness today.

BREAKING NEWS: Paul Wolfowitz to Head World Bank



Wolfowitz tapped to head World Bank Pentagon official to replace James Wolfensohn The Associated Press Updated: 9:35 a.m. ET March 16, 2005 WASHINGTON – President Bush will recommend that Defense Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz take over as head of the World Bank, a senior administration official said Wednesday.

Christian Bourge Queries Hagel; Bolton Facing Tough Hearing



Check out this well-done UPI piece that queries Senator Chuck Hagel about the “Waxman Brief” on John Bolton. Senator Hagel’s public comments supporting Bolton’s nomination occurred before broad public awareness of the contents of a letter by Rep. Henry Waxman to Rep. Christopher Shays.