Deal-Making on Bolton Evidence?



Senators Chris Dodd and Joseph Biden have sent another letter (TWN will post letter on Monday) to the administration proposing that if National Intelligence Director John Negroponte is willing to deal, the Dems will send the names of three dozen U.S. official’s names to learn if any were among those revealed to Bolton.

Open Thread Time. . .



I’m heading over to a big bash at the Dutch Embassy tonight — and then on a long run with my dog, Oakley. You should hear what he thinks about the prospect of John Bolton at the U.N. Have fun.

Arlen Specter May be a “NO” Vote on John Bolton



Did Arlen Specter misspeak? TWN hopes not. In his commentary about newly confirmed judge Janice Rogers Brown, Specter argued that she was “undiplomatic” but deserving of confirmation — because “she’s not in the State Department.” Full stop. Senator Specter — John Bolton IS in the State Department and doesn’t belong there.




. . .so reports Vicki Allen in a new Reuters report. Here is the opener: Senate Democrats back from a weeklong recess said on Tuesday they were holding firm against allowing a vote to confirm John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations until the Bush administration turns over more information on him.