John McCain Absent in Floor Debate


It is fascinating that Senator Frist had Senator John McCain join him in a pro-Bolton press conference the other day, and I have no doubt that John McCain will vote in favor of cloture on Bolton and would probably support John Bolton.

Bolton Vote



Debate began at 5 p.m. on the Bolton cloture vote, and a vote is scheduled at 6 p.m. but may come as early as 5:30 p.m. if the entire debate time is not used.

Back to Bolton, 6 p.m.



I’ve been off at a board and staff retreat of the New America Foundation and just back to town today — so apologies for being offline. Today, the second attempt to secure cloture on the John Bolton nomination as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations will occur at 6 p.m.

Open Thread!



I’m off to the Claremont Resort to spend weekend with Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt, Francis Fukuyama, Christine Todd Whitman, Walter Mead, Steve Rattner, and other interesting folks. I will be watching matters in the Bolton arena very closely — particularly for any late-day breaking news out of the Karl Rove operation.