Peter Scoblic: 36 Senators Ask Bush Not to Recess Appoint



Josh Marshall has some more information up over at TPM Cafe on Bolton and the State-CIA inquiry, including a letter Senate Democrats sent the president today asking him not to make a recess appointment. — Peter Scoblic [Note from Dave: Jeremy and Peter submitted their posts minutes apart.

Charging Rino: Democrats to Bush: Pull Bolton



While rumors and hints that President Bush will give John Bolton a recess appointment to the UN sometime early next week continue to swirl, opponents of the nomination have seized on the latest developments and are calling for Bush to withdraw Bolton’s name, or at least not to send him to New York without the…

Robert A. George: The Arianna Scoop



I’m not planning on doing much of this, but I did want to share my take on the interesting issues Arianna Huffington raised yesterday about Judith Miller’s role in L’Affair Plame.

Mark Schmitt: Does the New York Times Know Why Judy Miller’s in Jail?



One of the great questions that has remained unanswered — and virtually unasked — in the Rove-Plame scandal is, just what is Judy Miller in jail for? Is it simply refusing to disclose a source to whom she promised confidentiality? Or is it something a little more elaborate, perhaps a more active participation in the…

Peter Scoblic: Bolton & North Korea



The timing of John Bolton’s possible recess appointment early next week just as we’re sitting down with the North Koreans after a year-long hiatus in the six-party talks reminds me that, however sketchy Bolton’s conduct at State, the chief reason to oppose his appointment is the blow it would deal to U.S. national security.

Robert A. George: Checking In



I’d like to thank Steve for inviting me in as one of his guest bloggers over the next few days. In my day job, I write for the New York Post. Previous stops include the Republican National Committee and former Speaker Newt Gingrich’s office.

Bush Refuses to Pull Bolton



Despite yesterday’s acknowledgement that John Bolton potentially committed perjury by misinforming the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as to whether he had been interviewed as part of an investigation, Scott McClellan spoke today to Bush’s continued support for the nominee.

Charles Brown: Vote Him Down Today



If word out of the White House is to be believed, John Bolton will receive a recess appointment early next week, despite growing evidence that he may have lied to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. The President appears willing to ignore growing outrage and make Bolton his Ambassador.

Mark Schmitt: Constitutional Crisis



I’m grateful to Steve for inviting me to fill in at The Washington Note. I’ve been encouraging Steve for a few weeks to make the leap across the thin barrier that separates the Bolton nomination from the Rove-Plame scandal.

Charles Brown: John Bolton’s dream job



With the latest report that John Bolton may have lied to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, perhaps the time has come for him to look for a new job. I happen to know just the thing.