Charging RINO: Further Word on Linc Chafee



As I noted late last night, Senator Chafee of Rhode Island told the Associated Press that the newest revelations about John Bolton were enough to make him withdraw his support for the nomination and oppose a recess appointment.

Leon Hadar: Iraq: The Shape of Things to Come



From One State to Three “Virtual States” If only grandmother had four wheels: If you believe the front-page report from Iraq in Thursday’s Wall Street Journal that “U.S. opens door for big pullback in Iraq next year,” then I’ll sell you a bridge over the Euphrates.

Doug Bandow: A Dignifiied Foreign Policy



I was surprised when Steve asked me to join in as a guest blogger. I remain a books and print kind-of-guy in the internet age, so it’s a new thing for me. I also warned Steve that he risked having the Washington Note turned into a “Blog for Bolton” site.

Charging RINO: Little Late, Linc …



The Associated Press, along with other news outlets, is now reporting that President Bush will send John Bolton to the United Nations next week via his power of recess appointment. This is, as I have said repeatedly, an unfortunate step, but a particularly egregious one now that we have learned that Mr.

CBS News: Bolton to Get Recess Appointment



CBS News, 7/29/05: President Bush intends to announce next week that he is going around Congress to install embattled nominee John Bolton as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, senior administration officials said Friday.

Charging RINO: The Signers



Alright, I’ve finally deciphered all the signatures on the letter [pdf] sent to Bush today by 36 members of the U.S. Senate, calling on the president to withdraw Bolton’s name in light of his “memory lapse” (discussed in depth here).

Scott Paul: The RIGHT Recess Appointment



President Bush should walk into the Oval Office on Monday morning and contact Bill Frist, Harry Reid, Dick Lugar, and Joe Biden. Then he should make a recess appointment to fill the UN Ambassador vacancy. You’re probably wondering right now why in the world Steve would let me write for his blog in his absence….

Bolton’s Memory Is Really Poor



Yesterday the Department of State responded to Senator Biden in writing. The letter lays out how Bolton’s memory was jogged: JUL 28, 2005 Dear Senator Biden: I am writing in response to your letters of July 27 and July 28. Mr.

MSNBC’s Shuster Retracts Bolton/Fitzgerald Allegation



I missed this, but Robert George pointed it out in comments, and gail helpfully supplied the transcript. Shuster now claims that it was inaccurate to list Bolton as having testified to the Fitzgerald grand jury: MATTHEWS: David, last Thursday, a week ago, you reported that John Bolton, the president’s nominee for the U.N.