Bob Barr Joining September National Policy Forum on Terrorism

The schedule is nearly hammered out, but TWN is profiling in advance of release of the roster some of the major speakers at the upcoming terrorism conference I am helping to direct.
The schedule is nearly hammered out, but TWN is profiling in advance of release of the roster some of the major speakers at the upcoming terrorism conference I am helping to direct.
In Nebraska, Senator Chuck Hagel spent time this past week speaking to constituents — and America’s circumstances in Iraq dominated his meetings. Here is a clip from a CNN report: But he said the United States risks losing more public support for the conflict amid a rising cost in blood and money.
As the conference we are working on shapes up, TWN is giving early notice of who the featured speakers and participants will be. I’m very proud to say that Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, Jr. will be joining us as a featured speaker in the pre-lunch session at 11:45 a.m. on Tuesday, the 6th of September….
James Fallows will provide the opening comments and set the “context” at the major terrorism conference we are organizing. Jim Fallows is National Correspondent for the Atlantic Monthly and former Editor-in-Chief of U.S. News and World Report.
Good for her. Condi Rice has told Israel that it needs to take steps now to begin the post-Gaza process of returning other occupied territories to Palestinian control.
For the next several days, I will be providing regular updates about the themes and issues, as well as speakers, that will be part of a major national policy forum on terrorism that I am helping to organize in Washington on September 6 & 7.
I was stunned to learn this weekend that subscriptions to The Nation are surging. And while it’s not precipitous, TWN has been told that subscriptions to the New Republic are falling.
Baghdad is boiling. The killing is getting worse, and the fear.
This comment may be too little, too late from Henry Kissinger last night on CNN’s “Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer”: An architect of the U.S.
A few years ago, I sat at a roundtable book discussion featuring Michael Ledeen and his then new book — The War Against the Terror Masters: Why it Happened. Where We Are Now. How We’ll Win — hosted by BMW North America in Washington.