Flynt Leverett Commenting on Hezbollah



This evening on “The News Hour with Jim Lehrer“, my new colleague at the New America Foundation and former staff member of the CIA, State Department and White House National Security Council, Flynt Leverett, will be sharing his knowledge base about Hezbollah.

Majority Report w/Sam Seder Tonight



(Air America Radio “Majority Report” hosts Janeane Garafalo and Sam Seder) I’ll be on with comedian, author, and ‘pundit with a conscience’ Sam Seder on Air America’s Majority Report this evening. 8:30 p.m. I think we will be discussing the way to get to peace in the Middle East by Labor Day.

Fair and Balanced?



If you have loose change around, here is something to consider. You choose whom you want to support: Valerie Plame Wilson & Joe Wilson or Scooter Libby With the Washington establishment heavyweights propping up Libby. . .well, you know which side I think needs to be supported. More later.

Next Round: Valerie Plame Wilson Case 2.0



It ain’t anywhere near over folks. Legal depositions under oath — public ones — can be so interesting. Valerie Plame Wilson, Ambassador Joseph Wilson and Their Counsel to Hold News Conference Announcing Lawsuit against I.

The High Price of Rising Middle East Tensions



(Remember when. . .?) The price of a barrel of oil just hit $76.70. The price of the average gallon of gas in the U.S. is now $3.10 and rising. This doesn’t even figure in the cost to taxpayers of huge financial aid packages to Israel, Egypt and the Palestinians.

Dangerous Escalation in the Middle East



Hezbollah’s entry into the already tense situation between the Palestinians and Israel is a major escalation of an already bad situation. While I think that Israel has responded disproportionately in its incursion into Gaza, I think that the firing of rockets from inside Lebanon into Israel changes Israel’s moral position to a degree.

Joe Wilson Responds to Robert Novak



Joe Wilson has just sent TWN and other journalists interested in the Fitzgerald investigation of the White House outing of Valerie Plame Wilson’s covert CIA role a statement regarding Robert Novak’s effort to “justify the unjustifiable”: Robert Novak, some other commentators and the Administration continue to try to completely distort the role that Valerie Wilson…