Reactions to the Pakistani 24 Bombers



(Al Jazeera Washington DC Bureau news producer Mysa Khalaf) I have been in back-to-back meetings and doing quite a number of interviews, including on Air America’s “The Al Franken Show“. I am now at Al Jazeera‘s DC studios, with the renowned producer Mysa Khalaf, preparing for “Hassad” (The Harvest: The News Hour). At 7 p.m.

Lamont Topples Joe Lieberman



I have to run and give a lecture at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies this morning, so no long-winded analysis (right now) of last night’s dramatic upset of challenger Ned Lamont over Joseph Lieberman in the Connecticut Democratic Primary race.

Implications of the Lamont-Lieberman Race



TWN will be on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” at about 8:40 p.m. tonight commenting on the implications of the Democratic primary contest that took place today in Connecticut. There is a great two hour show that has been on for a while and a good roster of interview segments with other interesting political observers….

Seeing Through a Bad UN Resolution?



Col. Pat Lang (US Army, Ret.) has one of the most interesting national security/military policy blogs around. It’s tough-minded and unsentimental. This morning, he sent some of his friends a roster of four issues and questions to consider when debating the so-called US-French agreement on and Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire. They were: 1.

TWN Travels to Aspen



I will be in Aspen, Colorado Sunday and Monday returning to Washington, DC Tuesday. I’ll be organizing a foreign policy discussion on U.S. Policy Towards Iran that’s unfortunately off-the-record but co-sponsored by the New America Foundation/American Strategy Program, the Aspen Strategy Group, and the Aspen Institute.

General John Abizaid: Iraq Is As Bad As I’ve Seen It



In the four years from 1941-45, America fought two wars on different sides of the earth; developed, built, and deployed atomic weapons; and thought through those important words, “What comes next.” Nearly five years after bin Laden, despite an American occupation, Iraq is about to blow.