Lincoln Chafee: Taking a Principled Stand on Bolton



Senator Lincoln Chafee impressed just about everyone during the recent testimony of John Bolton before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He pushed Bolton for hard answers to important questions, and did not yield when Bolton tried to duck and swerve Chafee’s queries.

John Bolton Vote Today



The Senate Foreign Relations Committee will take up the matter of John Bolton’s confirmation today. He has been working at the United Nations without the blessing of the U.S. Senate for the past year as a recess appointee.

Bush Alert: Bush Speech Today on Detainee Issue



I learned last night that President Bush will be speaking today, and the White House may ask networks to break into programming to run his remarks live. Word is that he will be addressing the Supreme Court decision on Hamdi and military commissions.

Khatami Visit: Beyond Black and White



As the Pulitzer Prize winning historian John Dower tells the story so well about Japan and the United States, states that move towards war often demonize each other’s leaders and whole societies in order to stir and consolidate public opinion and steel their citizens for big sacrifices ahead.