Obama Surging


Barack Obama has a tailwind — and the excitement about him is building.
My friends in both camps are in shock. The Hillary Clinton team — at the worker level — is trying to figure out what the turn-around strategy is.
The Obama camp can’t quite believe the surge, and the best of them are worried about making decisions that might make their champ look arrogant or over-confident in the wake of his Iowa win — and perhaps his next big win in New Hampshire.
One close foreign policy insider in the Obama camp did share with me that while to the outside it looks like Anthony Lake and Susan Rice are the chief foreign policy advisers with Zbigniew Brzezinski and others close in when they want to be — I was told that there essentially is no hierarchy and no defined structure yet regarding who is driving the process. I don’t know what to make of this — just sharing what I heard.
More soon.

— Steve Clemons


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