Obama Mentions Hagel as Potential Cabinet Choice


steve clemons and chuck hagel twn.jpg
Barack Obama has often said that he would like to have Republicans serve in his Cabinet if elected President. I think that this is a very smart move — as the only way to get back to results-producing government is to win over enough dissident Republicans to generate a new, workable political equilibrium.
Obama has mentioned Schwarzenegger, Richard Lugar and Chuck Hagel as possibilities for a government he might run. At the same time, Bloomberg may decide to shock everyone with his own presidential run — and Hagel is the rumored frontrunner for that VP ticket.
Just to fill out a bit more of the travel picture on where leading presidential contenders (and vice presidential contenders) have been, I asked Senator Hagel for his travel details.
In this case, Hagel responded in the format I originally asked all of the candidates — which was to share the regions of the world he had visited and the frequency.
Here are the results:

Senator Chuck Hagel – International Travel


2004, twice in 2005


2004 (May)

Asia (including South Asia and Southeast Asia; i.e. India/Pakistan)

twice in 2006

Middle East

2004, 2005, twice in 2007

Latin America

2005 (April)

It is interesting to note that Senator Hagel made the time to go to Latin America — something missing in the profiles of Obama, Clinton, Romney, and Biden, although as First Lady, Hillary Clinton went to Latin America on numerous occasions.

— Steve Clemons


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