Now, the perpetrators of the Iraq War, of the “axis of evil” speech, of the “Iraq will be a cake-walk” line are dumping on Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. They are jumping ship in order to try and save themselves and opportunities for neocons to influence future governments.
Thousands have died unnecessarily because of the combination of incompetence in this administration and because of the cheerleading for this war that David Frum and other of his fellow travelers called for. His glib admissions of failure and his recrimination of President Bush are not enough.
Perle’s comments about the “dysfuntional” Bush presidency are really lamentations that Bush was ‘not neocon enough.’ The divisions in government he referred to focus on Condi Rice, Powell and others who got in the way of neocon plans — so don’t view the Vanity Fair revisionism by neocons as anything other than a survival strategy and regret that they didn’t get to launch more wars against more nations when they had the chance.
— Steve Clemons
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