McCain: “Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb Bomb Iran”


When I first read it as an unrelated comment to my last post, I brushed it off as a joke.
It’s no joke.
Speaking at a VFW meeting in South Carolina, McCain asked when the U.S. would “send an air mail message to Tehran. ” McCain replied: “You know that old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran? Bomb bomb bomb, anyway…”
So much for diplomacy first, force as a last resort. Raw Story has the video clip.
McCain is truly an enigma to me. He’s pressed for international cooperation on global warming. He’s spoken of the need to eventually join the International Criminal Court. He’s spoken out against torture. His forceful advocacy on these issues has earned him a fair amount of credibility on international affairs.
Recently, McCain’s buffoonery on Iraq eroded that credibility. With this gaffe, it has hit an all-time low.
— Scott Paul


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