Hickenlooper Plus on the State of American Dreaming About Future


In a short bit, I’ll be interviewing Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper in one of the Allstate-National Journal-Atlantic Heartland Monitor forums that Ron Brownstein has pulled together before the debates. The schedule is pasted below.

My bit with Hickenlooper, the first brewpub master since Sam Adams to become governor of a state, starts at 10 a.m. Central/12:00 noon EST.

The Opportunity Debate: Upward Mobility and the American Dream
Allstate – National Journal – The Atlantic
Heartland Monitor Poll on American Attitudes
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel
1550 Court Place, Denver

9:00 am
Registration and Coffee

9:30 am
Welcoming Remarks

Poll Data Presentation
Ronald Brownstein, National Journal
Ed Reilly, FTI Consulting

10:00 am
Headline Interview
Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper
Interviewed by The Atlantic’s Washington editor at large Steve Clemons

10:40 am
Panel Discussion
Floyd Cirulli, Cirulli Associates
Geoff Garin, Hart Research Associates
Dick Wadhams, Republican Strategist
Interviewed by National Journal editorial director Ron Brownstein

11:30 am
Headline Interview
Representative Diana DeGette (D-CO)
Interviewed by National Journal editorial director Ron Brownstein

11:50 am
Program concludes


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