I AM ON MY WAY TO CHICAGO TO ATTEND THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION MEETING TOMORROW, and Alan Keyes just moved to town to run for the U.S. Senate here. I would love to run into him.
Apparently, while I have been traveling and in meetings, most of the world has heard that he accused Mary Cheney of being a selfish hedonist. To be fair to Keyes, he now says that the reporter added Mary Cheney’s name to the discussion, not him. He said that he was just talking about all lesbians.
Here is the Chicago Sun-Times report on his comments. Perhaps Keyes isn’t so bad. After all, he did say: “If my own daughter were a homosexual or lesbian, I would love my daughter, but I would tell her she was in sin.”
Two thoughts. Please, let Alan Keyes speak at the convention tonight…there is still time.
Secondly, Senator Kerry, go meet with the Log Cabin Republicans. And go give a bear hug to Washington, D.C. City Council Member David Catania, a Republican who pulled a reverse Zell Miller and said he will support you over Bush because of Bush’s support of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
If the Democrats aren’t going to vigorously attack the record of this administration, then the next best thing is to cultivate a battle between reasonable, centrist Republicans and the right wing ideologues who are currently pulling Bush’s strings.
Alan Keyes….Alan Keyes….Alan Keyes. Let him speak!!!
— Steve Clemons