Just an hour ago, I mentioned that Frank Gaffney made a wrong-headed linkage between the Gaza pull-out and the London bombings.
Now, Gaffney is asserting that we are all at risk from the United Nations imposing a global tax on unsuspecting citizens everywhere. Talk about playing to the black helicopter crowd!
And his solution is to get John Bolton to the U.N. — any way the President can (meaning out with the stamp of legitimacy of the United States Senate). He wants Bolton to stop the “Global Tax.”
Someone, please call Wolf Blitzer, Al Franken, Jon Stewart, Doonesbury, Ted Koppel. . .call everyone. This would make a great show.
Can we get the “Simpson’s” to run an episode with John Bolton stopping the great global tax?!
Maybe C-Span’s Washington Journal will invite Frank Gaffney and me to square off over John “Beat the Global Tax” Bolton.
It would make SUCH a great show. . .
— Steve Clemons