HERE’S A FACTOID FOR JOHN KERRY ON DOMESTIC SECURITY. The New York Port Authority is cutting down on cops and overtime for police at Kennedy Airport.
Despite my normal position that America is focusing too much on monitoring people and not enough on cargo shipments in our terror concerns, I don’t think it makes much sense to begin standing down like this just weeks before the election.
According to this UPI report:
Despite the federal government’s warning that terrorists intend to strike in the United States in the weeks before the Nov. 2 presidential election, a money-saving measure restricting overtime was put in place this week by the authority, which manages and maintains the bridges and tunnels between New York and New Jersey, the New York area airports and bus terminals and seaports.
The report continues, “Another post stripped of overtime surveillance is the officer responsible for watching Israel’s El Al Airline counter.”
Not smart.
By the way, does security at home figure as a domestic policy question? or foreign policy? These distinctions between foreign and domestic policy are increasingly artificial and someone ought to say so at the next debate.
— Steve Clemons