Facebook Reporting: Dan Drezner Skewers John Kerry


Daniel Drezner just posted the following on his Facebook Profile and it’s also at his blog:

Your dumb-ass quote of the day
From John Kerry’s endorsement of Barack Obama:

“Experience is not defined by years spent in Washington but by instinct and judgment and wisdom,” Mr Kerry told a crowd of about 2,000 at a college in Charleston, South Carolina.

I can sort of see judgment and wisdom emanating from experience. . .but instinct? Isn’t that pretty much the opposite of experience?
Doesn’t that almost sound like Stephen Colbert said it? I was wondering what his writers were doing during the strike.
UPDATE: Marc Ambinder has more.

And I do/did too. . .
I’d really like to just have Obama’s and Clinton’s supporters talk substance and drop the metaphysical stuff. They both have many substantive strengths and weaknesses. Let’s get back to real points of comparison.

— Steve Clemons


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