<em>Bolton Watch</em> Launches Tonight


This is great news.
Some time tonight, Bolton Watch will launch at www.BoltonWatch.TPMCafe.com. (The site is not loaded yet, so clicking now will only take you to TPM Cafe.)

Talking Points Memo
and The Washington Note are jointly launching this site to keep tabs on John Bolton during the 11 months he has left in his term.
Today, the International Atomic Energy Agency referred Iran’s nuclear activities to the UN Security Council. Whether people believe it’s a bad step, too soon, or the right call — I don’t believe that John Bolton can be left unsupervised to manage American interests in the UN.
I have written extensively about Bolton — and argued that the real reason Dick Cheney fought so hard to get Bolton to his UN perch was to pave the way for an Iraq-replay against Iran. It has begun.
Josh Marshall has also written much on Bolton and the consequences of his pugnacious, hyper-nationalism and what it hss done to undermine American interests.
More later, but watch for the first Bolton Watch post tonight.
— Steve Clemons