Rove Indictment?



Behind the scenes, White House aides—as well as other prominent Republicans in Washington—are nervous that their most valuable political player could be taken out of the game on the eve of a crucial midterm election this fall. “To see him back before that grand jury has people very worried,” said a House GOP lawmaker and close ally of the White House, who decline

Sidney Blumenthal: Bush Ruins His Dad’s CIA



(President George Bush and his pal, former CIA Director Porter Goss) One of the enduring passions of President George H.W. Bush has been the study of national security intelligence and the institutions that support a central intelligence structure inside a liberal democracy. That is right up there as one of President Bush’s dad’s biggest hobbies….

<em>TWN</em> Travels to Mexico City



I will be getting into Mexico City late tonight and am returning to Washington on Saturday. I do have TWN readers in Mexico — quite a number of them — but don’t know where they are located. So email me if interested in a blog politics coffee session either Friday afternoon or Saturday morning.