Khalilzad May Quit Job as US Ambassador to Iraq



US Ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad is tired of being undermined by opponents in the White House and by elements of Iraq’s unstable regime end-running him to influence rivals of his in the administration. He is reportedly on the verge of quitting. Khalilzad’s abrupt departure from the diplomatic scene will worsen the mess in Iraq….

Nicaragua’s Daniel Ortega: Further Evidence of America’s Global Decline



Frequently, critics of the war in Iraq restrict their tallies of the consequences to the country thus far in terms of military consequences in the Middle East — and many actually trumpet how fortunate Americans are to still have high quality, mostly secure lives in this nation despite the hellish conditions in Iraq, Gaza, Darfur,…

Neocons Dumping Bush



Now, the perpetrators of the Iraq War, of the “axis of evil” speech, of the “Iraq will be a cake-walk” line are dumping on Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney. They are jumping ship in order to try and save themselves and opportunities for neocons to influence future governments.