What is Andrew Bacevich’s Son’s Life Worth?



Or any of our sons? or daughters? on any side of this incredibly reckless escapade in Iraq? Boston University Professor Andrew J. Bacevich is a brave, thoughtful public intellectual who has tried — in reserved, serious terms — to challenge the legitimacy of the Iraq War.

Busy Friday: C-Span to Cover Econ Conference & That “Michael Baroody Ad”



Greetings folks — a lot going on today. First, by close of business today, we will know the broader character and substance of World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz’s defense. I will post on that this afternoon. I also have some comments about this Posada trial fiasco that will be up later today.

Wolfowitz Getting Out of Town?



World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has to present his defense to the Bank board by close of business tomorrow [Friday]. He may resign (or be told he’s effectively fired) then or late that evening (sneaking past the news cycle). . .or may just decide to do nothing and leave town for a bit.

Tony Blair Resigns: Clintonesque Leader Evolves into Moralistic, Bush-Like Crusader



Tony Blair has informed his Queen and his Cabinet that he is stepping down as Prime Minister. Americans tend to look at other country’s heads-of-state through the prism of their own president — but Blair even more so. Blair used to seem a lot like Clinton. Now sadly, he looks a lot like Bush.