The View From My Window

Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish has a neat feature on his blog where he features photos taken by his readers and sent to him. He selects his favorite and titles it “The View From Your Window.
Andrew Sullivan’s Daily Dish has a neat feature on his blog where he features photos taken by his readers and sent to him. He selects his favorite and titles it “The View From Your Window.
Matt Stoller, one of the most significant emerging leaders of the new political left in this country, has just written a fascinating essay that I think is a real breakthrough in his thinking and hopefully in the strategic thinking of the netroots crowd in general. Stoller’s piece is smart Trotsky.
The pups haven’t said hello to their TWN fans lately and wanted to say howdy, though they are pretty tuckered in this shot.
I’ve just taken a quick look at the latest release from the Pew Global Attitudes Project which has examined public opinion in 47 countries with more than 45,000 interviews conducted. The Pew report will be posted at noon today.
Yesterday, the New America Foundation hosted and I chaired a meeting with Washington Post Diplomatic Correspondent Glenn Kessler on his new book, The Confidante: Condoleezza Rice and Creation of the Bush Legacy. One of the questions asked about the state of Rice’s efforts in “transformational diplomacy.
Bill Gertz of the Washington Times is pouring mud all over the Bain & Co. acquisition of network equipment firm 3Com because it involves Huawei Technologies becoming a minority partner in the deal.
We will be discussing Iran, the bleak binary choice, and whether or not there is a third (or fourth, or fifth) option.
There is breaking news via Taylor Marsh that Hillary Clinton will support Senator Webb’s Resolution demanding that the President seek Congressional approval before any military action against Iran and prohibiting the use of funds for military operations in Iran.
Tonight, I received Hillary Clinton‘s formal statement explaining her vote on the Kyl-Lieberman Iran Resolution — and her assertion that this did not amount to Congressional authorization for actions against Iran. Clinton stated: “Earlier today, I voted for a non-binding resolution that designates the Iranian Revolution Guard as a terrorist organization.
There are many including this writer who have been documenting the internal decision-making divisions inside President Bush’s White House.