Maybe the Vatican and Larry Craig Should Coordinate



I’m not kidding. Vatican Monsignor says he was “pretending to be gay” to help wayward youth. From AP: “It’s all false; it was a trap. I was a victim of my own attempts to contribute to cleaning up the church with my psychoanalyst work,” La Repubblica quoted Stenico as saying.

Jimmy Carter and Bush Admin National Intelligence Council Chairman Robert Hutchings: Converging Views on Cuba



While I think that post-Fidel Cuba is going to look a lot like Fidel’s Cuba unless the US opens the spigots to travel and trade, Jimmy Carter‘s perspective on US-Cuba relations is useful to read. He thinks that we have undermined any chance of organic democratic movements taking hold inside Cuba.

Who Will Own the Climate Change Franchise? The Clintons or Al Gore?



I really did mean every word in my tribute earlier today to former Vice President Al Gore. Emails from campaigns, Senate and House press operations, the White House, NGOs, and even some in corporate America have been streaming into my email box congratulating him. I can’t imagine what Gore’s own email inbox looks like.

<em>In the Best Interests of the United States</em>: Lawrence Wilkerson Speaks on US-Cuba Relations



Silvia Wilheim of La Noche Se Mueve, 1210 AM in Miami, scored an interesting radio interview with former State Department Chief of Staff and Pamela Harriman Visiting Scholar at the College of William & Mary Lawrence B. Wilkerson.

Gophers, Elephants and Mountain Goats



I think many people read this blog not for my sometimes verbose commentary but also for the scathing criticism that some of my most devout readers direct at me (as well as the TWN NoteTakers Scott Paul and Sameer Lalwani). They are well-meaning folks, most of them.