Competing Over Religious Zealotry in White House



Tim Rutten of the Los Angeles Times offered a brilliant take on the Romney speech on religion which I have only now just read. His blunt read in “Press Preys on Wrong Question” of Huckabee’s flirtation with the anti-Enlightenment commitment to creationism is worth reviewing too. Shouldn’t Attack Petraeus BUT Bolton Can Smear Entire National Intelligence Establishment?



When ran full page ads just before the Congressional testimony of General David Petraeus and Ryan Crocker with huge headlines saying “General Petraeus or General Betray Us?“, John Bolton’s fellow travelers went great lengths to condemn Move On for its lack of appropriate respect for dedicated national security leaders.

Senate-House Conference Votes to Make “Army Field Manual” Interrogation and Detainee Provisions the “Law of the Land”



So many have asked for a new picture of Oakley the Amazing Weimaraner and Annie the kid sister that I have this about to share. (Here is a slightly larger photo for the real fan club members) Thanks to all for the sensible, thoughtful commentary below on Comments.

Blog Comments


I have received quite a few thoughtful, sensible appeals from regular TWN readers, commenters, and emailers to turn the comments function back on. I will do so — but only after I have time to write and draft a statement of what I believe constitutes fair and worthwhile commentary on this blog.

More on Why Bush Won’t Bomb Iran



For the “bomb Iran now hawks”, the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran — just released — has probably ruined their holiday season. (here is the pdf) The report documents the high likelihood that Iran is no where near nuclear weapons capacity — and probably not pointed (at this time) in that direction.