Jim Pinkerton Joins Huckabee Campaign



One of the Bush administration’s toughest critics from the right has been Jim Pinkerton. Pinkerton is a friend, a New America Foundation colleague, a prolific opinion journalist, a Fox News commentator, and one of the most intelligent thinkers in Washington — but he’s just thrown me a bit of a curve ball.

Facebook Reporting: Dan Drezner Skewers John Kerry



Daniel Drezner just posted the following on his Facebook Profile and it’s also at his blog: Your dumb-ass quote of the day From John Kerry’s endorsement of Barack Obama: “Experience is not defined by years spent in Washington but by instinct and judgment and wisdom,” Mr Kerry told a crowd of about 2,000 at a…

Nixon Center Dinner: Pete Peterson Roasts Henry Kissinger for Starlet Days



On the night of the New Hampshire primaries, I was attending the 2007 Distinguished Service Award Dinner of the Nixon Center at the Four Seasons Hotel in Georgetown. At the dinner, I heard (and recorded) a highly unusual, yet revealing roast of Henry Kissinger by billionaire Peter Peterson — who was himself the night’s honoree….

Longman Thinks Obama Has More Upside



Booman Tribune’s Martin Longman compares yesterday’s New Hampshire primary results, including the turnout levels, to the 2004 race. But in his kicker he writes: Clinton won because of higher female turnout and higher registered Democrat turnout. Independents voted for Obama at a 41%-31% clip.