Happy Super Tuesday!

Truth be told. . .I hate the whole concept of Super Tuesday. I feel that it’s adding on to a number of incremental shifts that are undermining our democracy.
Truth be told. . .I hate the whole concept of Super Tuesday. I feel that it’s adding on to a number of incremental shifts that are undermining our democracy.
At the beginning of the battle to stop John Bolton’s confirmation as US Ambassador to the United Nations, Senators Russ Feingold and Barack Obama were both inclined to support his nomination.
There’s so much tension in the air now as we trip into tomorrow that folks are forgetting to laugh a bit about the sillier part of elections. I kind of liked this montage that Media Matters put together on McCain — but I also think it’s a little substantively off target.
I’ve been working through some information on Barack Obama’s diplomatic forays with Kenya’s political leaders — and his apparent campaigning for Opposition party leader Odinga.
A while back, I concocted a pretty interesting scenario to rationally explain why Bill Clinton sort of lost it against Barack Obama a while back.
Salon.com asked me to join a number of other writers and bloggers to comment on the qualities we liked and didn’t in the various candidates and to disclose who we thought looked best from our vantage point before the Iowa Caucuses.
Susan Eisenhower, a long time friend and reader of TWN, impressed me with her Washington Post commentary endorsing Barack Obama. I’m not ‘there’ on any of the candidates, but I’m glad she’s committing to helping him understand the strategic picture if he’s elected.
I’m still the kind of American policy wonk who is too jaded to get swept in the obvious emotional vibe in this video of superstar entertainers supporting Barack Obama — but nonetheless I think that the concept is interesting and powerful. Joe Klein sent the clip my way. Just FYI.
Want to know how it feels to be a young journalist passionate about covering one of the exotic countries of the era — like Pakistan — and then be deported? Deportation is scary, as is brushing up against the very real thuggishness of military and intelligence services in Pakistan.
I really like Rachel Maddow and could listen to her all of time if I could give up my addiction to trying to figure out what Dick Cheney and his chief-of-staff David Addington were doing in the shadows every day.