Wow: Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy Ad
Ron Paul’s supporters offer a stinging critique of US foreign policy in this provocative campaign ad that should win some sort of prize for making a serious policy point with more than a talking head.
Ron Paul’s supporters offer a stinging critique of US foreign policy in this provocative campaign ad that should win some sort of prize for making a serious policy point with more than a talking head.
North Korea’s despotic “Dear Leader” has died and is now succeeded by the newly dubbed “Great Successor.
I became the 599,464th person to dislike Rick Perry’s anti-gay ad titled “Strong” on YouTube. Only 17,811 people have clicked they like it.
photo source: C-Span Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman General Martin Dempsey said yesterday at a meeting hosted by the Atlantic Council that the absence of a public discussion about shifts and changes in US military strategy amidst certain significant budget goods is a ‘good thing’ for now.
This morning, The Atlantic hosted a forum on high-growth business (video should be posted on the site later for those interested) and I got to moderate the first session — where Gallup Chairman & CEO Jim Clifton hammered on the point that despite the economic fragility and doldrums of the US economy today, America’s system…
Comments on the influence of neoconservatives on GOP foreign policy establishment.
This is a guest note by Anya Landau French, Director of the US-Cuba Policy Initiative at the New America Foundation. As a Cuba policy analyst, I’ve given an surprising amount of thought to our policy toward the politically isolated, resource-rich nation of Burma (Myanmar) half a world away.
The Clemons Grades for the National Security Debate Rick Santorum D+ [Changed to C-]Michele Bachmann B+Newt Gingrich B-Rick Perry D-Herman Cain FMitt Romney B-Ron Paul BJon Huntsman B+ [After reviewing my grades, I decided that Rick Santorum‘s honesty about the importance of negotiating and willing to compromise with the “other side” deserves a bit more…
(photo credit: Steve Clemons) Yesterday at the 2011 Halifax International Security Forum — basically the Davos for defense and foreign policy junkies at which 18 defense ministers from around the world are in attendance (about a 1:10 ratio with other conference guests and participants) — US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave a mostly compelling…
(photo credit: Halifax the Forum) I’m up at the 2011 Halifax International Security Forum where 18 defense ministers and a who’s who of the international defense and security community have assembled. The forum is modestly sized with about 200 attendees — but the diversity of perspective here is impressive.