TERRORISM SALON: Yosri Fouda on Atta’s Embodiment of the Arab/Muslim Street



(Yosri Fouda is the Chief Investigative Correspondent and Former London Bureau Chief for Al-Jazeera). This is also true. But there is a difference between ‘select’ and ‘invent’. Atta, who in my opinion epitomizes the heart of a very frustrated Arab/Muslim street, was already there for the taking.

TERRORISM SALON: Peter Bergen on Atta’s Selection


(Peter Bergen is a Schwartz Senior Fellow at the New America Foundation). I agree with much of Yosri’s post. But Bin Laden selected Atta to run the 9/11 operation. This is what effective leaders do. Select the right people to carry out their plans.

TERRORISM SALON: Yosri Fouda on the Pivotal Role of the Mohammed Atta’s



(Yosri Fouda is the Chief Investigative Correspondent and Former London Bureau Chief for Al-Jazeera). Though I would largely agree with Peter as to the importance of bin Laden’s figure, I would not say that without him “9/11 would have been one of many harebrained schemes in the head of KSM.