A Return of Bipartisanship in Foreign Policy? Well. . .At Least a New Beginning


What do Howard Baker, Sandy Berger, Zbigniew Brzezinksi, Warren Christopher, John Danforth, Lawrence Eagleburger, Lee Hamilton, Gary Hart, Rita Hauser, Carla Hills, Richard Holbrooke, Nancy Kassebaum Baker, Thomas Kean, Anthony Lake, Robert McFarlane, Donald McHenry, William Perry, Thomas Pickering, Warren Rudman, Theodore Sorensen, and John Whitehead HAVE IN COMMON?
Well, they all agree with TWN that it is possible to put forward a bipartisan national security foreign policy that is not just a lowest common denominator approach.
And they are Advisory Board Members of the nearly newly-launched Partnership for a Secure America that breaks open the champagne next Wednesday, August 3rd.
PSA has been co-founded by Democratic national security staffer and former candidate for Congress Jamie Metzl and long-term Chief of Staff for Senator Richard Lugar Chip Andreae.
One of PSA’s projects coincides with the conference I am helping to organize — “Terrorism, Security, and America’s Purpose” — slated to take place in Washington on September 6 and 7.
We look forward to seeing how PSA develops — and TWN is proud to provide the first link to its new website.
— Steve Clemons