Who Should Be <em>Time Magazine</em>‘s Person of the Year?


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Tomorrow I am taping a show at CNN‘s studios in New York on the process by which big decisions about stand-out “personalities” — heroes and villains — are made.
This show will be a special segment on Time‘s “person of the year” decision-making process.
One of CNN’s interests is what the blogosphere thinks about a person of the year?
Who would your choice be?
John Murtha? John Bolton? Nancy Pelosi? Lincoln Chafee? Hillary Clinton? Dick Cheney?
Harry Reid? John McCain?
Al Gore??
Bill Gates? Jeff Sachs? George Soros? Bono? Kofi Annan?
Nasrallah? Al-Sadr? bin Laden? Shinzo Abe?
It’s tougher than you might think. I’m going to stew on it tonight.
But I’m very interested in your ideas. Posting here on the blog is best, but feel free to email me as well at steve@thewashingtonnote.com.
I need all entries in by 10:00 a.m. Friday morning (tomorrow).
— Steve Clemons
On other fronts: I had this op-ed today in The Australian on the “Return of the Realists.”
I also had a terrific time with Jerry Springer on his show today; he’s very thoughful and extremely well informed. It was one of the best discussions about foreign policy and Rumsfeld that I have had.
— Steve Clemons


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