Pickering/Jones Afghanistan Study Group Ponders American/NATO Failure in Afghanistan


The Afghanistan Study Group — co-chaired by General Jim Jones and former Ambassador Thomas Pickering will release its report today in an unusual event in the Senate Dirksen Building.
The Pickering/Jones Afghanistan Study Group report will be issued along with two other Afghanistan reports also to be released today by the Strategic Advisors Group of the Atlantic Council and the National Defense University. The Afghanistan Study Group was launched by the Center for the Study of the Presidency after the completion of the Iraq Study Group report which it also helped sponsor.
Senators John Kerry (D-MA) and Norm Coleman (R-MN) will host the meeting at 2 pm today in Room 419 of the Senate Dirksen Building.
Speakers at the meeting will include Center for the Study of the Presidency CEO David Abshire, General James L. Jones, Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe, Ambassador Thomas Pickering, and CSIS Senior Advisor Harlan Ullman.
According to the press release, the reports. . .

. . .concur that without prompt actions by the U.S. and its allies, the mission in Afghanistan may fail — causing severe consequences to U.S. strategic interests worldwide, including the war on terrorism and the future of NATO. The U.S. cannot afford to let Afghanistan continue to be the neglected, or forgotten, war.

I won’t be able to attend this today as I’m heading to a forum in Pittsburgh — but wanted to highlight for others.
— Steve Clemons


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