Diminishing Hope: A Leading Palestinian Responds to Barack Obama


Mustafa Barghouti is one of Palestine’s real gems — a former doctor turned political leader who previously ran for the presidency of Palestine. He now heads the Palestinian National Initiative and is an advocate of non-violent resistance against Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories.
I interviewed Barghouti in my office yesterday, July 24, and found that while he was and remains an enthusiast for Barack Obama — his hope is being replaced by ‘disappointment.’
This for me was an incredible five minute exchange — but particularly disturbing was his comment that road blocks and barriers to movement before the Annapolis process started number 521. Today, there are 607. Settlements are growing at a faster pace after Annapolis than before. This is wrong.
These trends are destroying the possibilities of peace in the Middle East — and they are undermining America’s national interests as well as Israel’s own security situation.
For those interested, this morning I shared some of my own reactions to Barack Obama’s hugely attended Berlin speech and fascinating and important trip to Europe and the Middle East with Democracy Now‘s Amy Goodman.
— Steve Clemons


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