UN-Bolting Congress From John Bolton: 118 Hours to Prepare Before Hearing Starts


I have a number of important items that I will be posting today and tomorrow that need to be added to John Bolton’s file. On Monday, I will also be posting a roster of questions that Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee should be asking John Bolton.
There is Congressional interest in a roster of excellent questions — and what is quite unusual is that I have been informed that such interest exists on both sides of the aisle. We still do not have the key Republicans in hand needed to stall Bolton’s nomination in committee, but we are close — and the State Department knows that and is working hard to balance the efforts of TWN and others collaborating with this effort with its own pro-Bolton lobbying.
If TWN readers have balanced and informed questions that should be posed by Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to Bolton that you would like to have considered as part of this roster, please post them in the comments section or send these to me privately at steve@thewashingtonnote.com.
I’m not going to include questions that are clearly over the top or outrageous in their reach. John Bolton’s past performance should be more than enough to ponder, considering both the merits of his past work and the seemingly profound lapse of judgment in much of his work.
More to do. I am serious about these questions — and getting them to people in the mix in Congress, so feel free to help.
There is much to do.
118 hours left to go before John Bolton’s hearings begin.
— Steve Clemons