Pat Robertson: What a Trip?



I am beyond disgusted by Pat Robertson and have been for years. Josh Marshall posts two items — here and here — on Robertson that just further reinforce everything I disdain about the man. I have an admission to make about this reprehensible fraud.

Richard Clarke on What Can be Done in Four Years



The Washington Post‘s Walter Pincus joined us yesterday for a lunch that the American Strategy Program of the New America Foundation hosted with Richard Clarke and wrote this article which appears today. Clarke made some excellent points — but among those not covered in the Pincus article was that “four years is a long time.

Katrina and an Overstretched Military: The Perfect Storm. . .



Sorry for being AWOL the last few days. I have been deep in conference-planning messiness and am only now able to surface. In between calls, I have been following the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina. The National Guard has been called out in New Orleans — and I would imagine in Mississippi and Alabama.

Latest Terrorism Conference Agenda Just Released



This conference agenda keeps evolving, but TWN readers get the first web-look at the agenda for the conference I am directing, Terrorism, Security and America’s Purpose: Towards a More Comprehensive Strategy. I think that there are probably speakers in this that will both please and tick off just about everyone.

The Dark Side of John Bolton is Back. . .



I am guest-blogging this week at Talking Points Memo — and just posted this piece on John Bolton. My comments refer to an important document was leaked to me this morning — and also to Arianna Huffington it seems. The document linked at TPM provides Bolton’s suggested revisions to the Millennium Summit document in September….