WOW! Brent Scowcroft Lets it Rip (Like Larry Wilkerson) in Monday’s <em>New Yorker</em>



The revered-in-tons-of-corners former National Security Advisor Brent Scowcroft definitively breaks ranks with the Bush administration in an article by nearly the same name, “Breaking Ranks,” appearing in the upcoming Monday issue of The New Yorker. The article will outline what decisions and events have built up to turn Brent Scowcroft against this Bush administration.

Extensive Coverage of Lawrence Wilkerson’s Call For Transparency and Disciplined Process in Foreign Policy Decisions that Involve “Sending Men and Women to Die”



I should have the full transcript, complete with Questions & Answers, shortly. I have published posts on Wilkerson’s talk here and here. Until then, here are some of the most outstanding pieces of coverage of former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson’s comments yesterday which I moderated and chaired at the New America Foundation….

On Constructing Presidential Deniability. . .



George Bush says that he looked into the hearts and souls of his staff regarding the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson and that none of them said that they were “involved.” It is clear that a number of his key staff either lied to Bush — or he was in on it all along.