Al Gore Gores Bush: What a President He Might Have Been



I have to admit that I have never had a hard time constraining my enthusiasm for either Al Gore or John Kerry, but at the same time, Gore’s recent speeches have been stemwinders and offer us a glimpse into the kind of appealing president he might have been.

<em>The Washington Note</em> on C-Span Tonight, 7 p.m. Eastern



If you have the time and interest, watch for an interesting program this evening on C-Span featuring John Siegenthaler, a distinguished journalist and first editorial page editor at USA Today as well as the founder of the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center at Vanderbilt University; Jim Brady, Executive Editor of Washington Post.

Note to Pat Robertson: Just Sayin’ Your Sorry Ain’t Enough. . .



Despite the fact that Pat Robertson has apologized to Ariel Sharon’s son and to the Israeli and Jewish people for the “insensitivity” of the timing of his remarks that God struck down Ariel Sharon and Yitzhak Rabin because they were “dividing God’s land”, the Israeli government is going to shut Robertson out of the major…

Elizabeth Holtzman: <em>The Nation</em>‘s Impeachment Brief



Former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman has the cover of tomorrow’s Nation, and I suspect that it will become the script for those on the left who will be organizing, protesting, advocating, and clamoring for George W. Bush’s impeachment. The article, “The Impeachment of George W.

On Samuel Alito: Don’t Confirm Him



Much of Washington has been consumed with the coverage of the Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination hearings, and I suppose that I should have been glued to C-Span as well — but I wasn’t.