Supervising Bolton: How Much Will the Combat Pay Be?



When nominations by the President make sense, they typically fly through without a hitch. Just check out the line-up that Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will discuss on Friday, July 22nd: Ms. Karen P. Hughes To be Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy, with the Rank of Ambassador The Honorable Josette S….

Shouldn’t He Be Interviewed? Maybe He Has Been….



There are a lot of theories brewing as to who promulgated the Plame outing inside the White House, and the latest thought-provoking piece is here. I recommend that you read the entire article, not necessarily to endorse or own all of its conclusions.

Not Defense Enough: Parsing Words on What Karl Rove Said



President Bush, when he was running against Al Gore in the 2000 presidential race, said that he would run his office honorably, with humility. He said that he was going to be “straight” with the American people — and wouldn’t parse words and meanings like his predecessor was known to do.