Big Personnel Moves in Progressive Foreign Policy Circles



(Joseph Cirincione) Wow. I’ve just confirmed that nuclear non-proliferation giant Joseph Cirincione is moving out of his long-time nest at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and is moving to the Center for American Progress. Cirincione is easily the country’s leading progressive voice on nuclear non-proliferation and is widely respected on defense policy issues.

Bush Should Polygraph Staff on Plame Outing: Dana Priest’s Sources were Multiple and Were Most Likely in Europe



Senior CIA official Mary McCarthy has denied leaking information to Dana Priest about the CIA’s secret Eastern European prisons. She has argued that she did not have access to intelligence about these prisons, though seems to be admitting to unauthorized discussions with journalists. A couple of comments.

Lawrence Wilkerson: Straight Talk that America is Losing its Americanness



Yesterday, former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson offered another installment in his own “straight talk express” in an article that appeared in the Baltimore Sun. He opens with a powerful blast that articulates what true nationalists in this country are feeling: In January 2001, with the inauguration of George W.

Karl Rove Finally, Finally, Finally in the Cross-Hairs?



The last time I invested some serious time in what was percolating in the Fitzgerald investigation of the White House leak of Valerie Plame Wilson’s CIA role, the best I was able to get was to confirm that Karl Rove was “enthusiastically” cooperating with Patrick Fitzgerald’s investigation and to confirm that Rove had helped lead…