Loyalty Oaths Redux: Wesley Clark Pokes Lieberman on Independent Senate Run



General Wesley Clark, who I have no doubt would be managing matters in the Middle East with far greater skill and attention than our incumbent President, made a blunt nudge at Senator Joe Lieberman on Friday. Clark was blogging about the 2006 Elections on DailyKos.

George Will Excoriates <em>The Weekly Standard</em> in Rebuke of Bill Kristol, Condi Rice, and the Bush Administration’s Middle East Catastrophe



George Will has sent to his client list a most amazing article — appearing in tomorrow’s Washington Post — that is a full-throttle attack on The Weekly Standard. Will blasts The Weekly Standard five times in his short, 770-word piece.

Tough Job: Department of Commerce Secretary Promotes Investment in Iraq?



(U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez and Ahmed Chalabi) There are some interesting strategic advisory firms out there — Kissinger McLarty Associates, The Albright Group LLC, The Scowcroft Group, The Ashcroft Group LLC, Wesley K.

Some Questions Regarding Israel’s Objectives: Is Israel Trying to Curb America’s Deal-Making in Middle East?



When I visited Israel in March, one of the more interesting dinner discussions I had was with former Mossad Director Danny Yatom, now a Labor Party member of the Knesset. As head of the Mossad, Yatom gave orders to have the head of Hamas, Khaled Meshal, assassinated by poison.

Middle East Moves Closer to Brink: Israel Postures for Potential Expansion of Conflict to Syria and Iran



ABC News is reporting that Palestinian Gunmen have blown a hole through an Egypt border wall and a flood of people crossed into Gaza. One can only speculate why anyone would rush into Gaza unless preparing to fight the Israeli incursion. My own speculation is that this may be a bunch of Muslim Brotherhood empathizers….