What Will the Blowback from Iraq Look Like in the Decades to Come?



To a certain degree, the realities in Iran today were shaped by America’s misguided, interventionist regime change success there in helping to overthrow Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh in 1953 and installing Shah Reza Pahlavi.

A Tribute to Air America’s Sam Seder and a Major Cuba Film by Nicole Cattell



My significant other is brilliant, and so is Air America superstar political commentator Sam Seder‘s. His is Nicole Cattell, an important documentary filmmaker whose REVOLUC!ON airs this next Tuesday night at 10 pm EST on New York’s Thirteen-WNET.

NATO on the Ropes vs. America’s Iraq Mess: Response from General Jim Jones and Harlan Ullman to Charles Krauthammer



I have come by a letter from former Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) General Jim Jones and frustrated conceptualizer of the military’s “shock and awe” strategy Harlan Ullman to the editor of the Washington Post that has not yet been published — but which probably will be in several days.

Thinking Over the Future of US-Cuba Relations: An Event Invitation



(Former State Department Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson and Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)) Former State Department Chief of Staff and 16-year personal assistant to General and Secretary of State Colin Powell, Lawrence Wilkerson, and I will be reflecting on our recent trip to Havana.

Establish a Naval Hotline In the Gulf



David Ignatius has made one of the only constructive suggestions I have seen regarding iran’s seizure of 15 British sailors — the establishment of a naval hotline modeled on the US-Soviet sea conflict resolution framework. We used to spend a lot of money and effort trying to minimize miscommunication, accidents, escalation in great power conflicts….

Lantos On Board for New Diplomatic Offensive: Blasts Anti-Pelosi <em>Washington Post</em> Editorial



Mid-day yesterday, House International Relations Committee Chairman Tom Lantos sent out an editorial to the Washington Post‘s Editorial Board blasting the Post‘s critique of Nancy Pelosi’s Syria trip and the content of her comments to President Assad.

On Cuba Policy, Jeff Bingaman was Right 12 Years Ago



33 days from now will be the 12th anniversary of a short speech on US-Cuba policy that Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) gave on the floor of the United States Senate. He charged then President Bill Clinton with keeping US-Cuba policy a “captive of Cold war mentality.