Media Alert: Foreign Policy and the Elections with Terrence McNally


This evening, in about 20 minutes, I’ll be chatting with Terrence McNally on KPFK Pacifica Radio’s Free Forum with Terrence McNally. I’ll be up between 8:20 and 8:30 PM EST. Sorry for the late notice. Just before me, Tom Hayden — who endorsed Obama today — will be talking about the elections.

Pointing into the Gallery


The State of the Union address is a stuffy affair to watch — unless one is lucky enough to be sitting in the gallery (which I did one year when Bill Clinton was President).

Sneak Peak at State of the Union Highlights



State of the Union Excerpts — 28 January 2008 President George W. Bush — The White House As Prepared for Delivery “The actions of the 110th Congress will affect the security and prosperity of our Nation long after this session has ended.

DC Miscelleneous: The Kennedy Clan, SOTU, Cuba, Hagel, and More



I went off of my computer for just a day and a half while up in Montreal — and tons of stuff breaks, including Ted Kennedy’s endorsement of Barack Obama. This is quite significant but for reasons that may not seem as obvious as the press is promoting.

Obama’s Win & Comments on Caroline Kennedy’s Pruned and Clipped Sculpture of JFK’s Legacy



The only thing I can tell definitively after the South Carolina Democratic primary is that John Edwards is out, but I thought that before. But not winning in the state of his birth pretty much seals the deal that Edwards will not live in the White House, at least not next year.

When Not Campaigning in Florida Seems Like it Is



One of the more amusing twists in the Obama-Clinton battle at the moment is how they are both trying to campaign in Florida without technically doing so. While watching the Democratic debates the other night in South Carolina from Washington, DC, I saw my first Obama TV ads.

Mike Huckabee: Everyone’s First Choice for VP on the GOP Ticket



There’s a story that would be less disturbing if not true that George H.W. Bush asked a number of close advisers to send him their lists of who should be on his ticket as VP. Dan Quayle — for whom Bill Kristol was chief of staff — was No. 2 on most of these lists….