LIVE STREAM Today: Joseph Stiglitz Discusses America’s Downfall as Global Economic Leader



Columbia University Professor and world renowned economist Joseph Stiglitz will be speaking today at a New America Foundation/Economic Growth Program public policy forum about his new book, Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy.

LIVE STREAM: Authority, Meet Technology: Will China’s Great Firewall Hold?



The New America Foundation and Slate Magazine are co-hosting a special public policy forum today to discuss the context and consequences of Google’s threat to pull out of China. The event will run TODAY from 9:30 am – 11:00 am EST and will STREAM LIVE here at The Washington Note.

Moving Away From ‘Privileged Partnership’?



It is ironic that foreign affairs analysts (and international investors) seem to be more sanguine about Turkey’s political and economic outlook heading into 2010 than they have been in years, but at the same time Turkey’s prospects of joining the European Union remain mired in a steady decline.

Guest Post by Anya Landau French: What He Said



Anya Landau French is director of research for the New America Foundation/U.S.-Cuba Policy Initiative. Normally I say my piece and I let it go. But sometimes, the point bears repeating, especially when it deals with serious national security questions.