The Battle Bolton Will Still RAGE After July 4th Recess. . .Probably


While most of the main stream media has been reporting that a recess appointment this week is likely — and they may be right — there are new signs TODAY that this probably will not occur next week.
Senator Frist has sent signals that he wants to bring back a Bolton cloture vote “some time” next month — along with a UN Reform package in the Senate.
This is huge news and it means that the Bolton story will keep on giving for at least another month.
I will post more later on what TWN has learned — but do not expect a recess appointment this week. Either Bolton said NO to that track — or the White House is simply sacrificing the position at the U.N. in order to compel Democrats to fight against a “probably” pernicious U.N. reform package.
Bolton’s confirmation vote will not be “formally” connected to the potential UN reform legislation — but they will be symbolically linked.
I’m eager for the battle. This is “new” news — and could be mistaken. But most on the deep inside are no longer expecting a recess appointment — at least not until August recess.
The White House is miscalculating again — thinking that the public is tired of this subject and trying to wear down the opposition. But our team trains for marathons — and is only now just picking up the pace.
— Steve Clemons